• Nature Printing

    Nature printing - gold leaves on a blue background

    One of the most enjoyable things about a walk outdoors is collecting leaves, flowers, and other wonderful bits of nature.  But what do we do with our little treasures when we get home? Nature printing can turn these items into a fun craft project, but don’t be surprised if you end up with a stunning artwork. 

  • Firefly Magic

    Glowing firefly in grass

    If there is genuine magic in this world, it must surely have graced the firefly.  A humble beetle that glows with a small, soft light, the firefly is a tiny miracle of evolution.  When I was a kid in rural, upstate New York, summer evenings sparkled with fireflies.  Twinkling in the grass, they were magical and mesmerizing.

  • Gifts of Nature

    Colorful fruits and vegetables

    Air, water, food.  These three gifts of nature play a vital, often underappreciated part in our daily existence.  Becoming more aware of this intimate connection with the natural world helps to make us more receptive to nature’s positive, soothing energy.

  • Wildlife Rehabilitation

    Fawn on road

    A blur of motion, the squeal of brakes, and a fawn sprawls on the asphalt.  She is dazed, injured, unable to walk.  What will happen to her?  Too often wild animals become the victims of human actions.  Many die, but some will be rescued and cared for by a wildlife rehabilitator.

  • Nature Journaling

    Woman nature journaling

    Nature journaling is a creative and meaningful way to connect with the natural world.  Imagine spending time in a lovely natural setting, absorbing the peace and beauty, and capturing your observations and inspirations in your special nature journal.

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